This article shows you how to secure your account with 2FA.
Two-factor authentication (or 2FA) is a crucial security measure for online accounts. It provides additional security for your account.It requires two forms if authentication. It allows businesses to monitor and protect their most critical information and networks.
Hackers will be unable to access your account with 2FA because they must know your password and access to your Veecard.
Another advantage of 2FA is that it is quick and easy to set up. Veecard makes it easy to get started with 2FA, and you can have it up and running in less than a minute.
- From your Veecard dashboard, click on your profile link at your bottom left menu bar.
- Select ” Account.”
- Scroll to the bottom until you reach the two-factor authentication section.
- Next, enable the Enable Two Factor Authentication by selecting “Yes” from its dropdown menu.
- Next, scan the QR code with your smartphone camera or QR code reader by Opening the authentication app (ex: Authy, Google Authenticator) on your mobile device.
- If you cannot can the code, you can manually input a secret key generated by Veecard in your authentication app.
- Either way, you should get a 6-digit token via your authentication app. You can then input it into the field on your Veecard two-factor authentication page.
- After that, press enters to finish the process.