Card |
[card image="URL" header="TITLE" description="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amete" link="URL" link-text="Purchase" extra="$599" target="_blank"] |
Call-to-action card with an image, title, description, link, and more. |
Slider |
[slider image-1="URL" header-1="TITLE" description-1="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amete" link-1="URL" link-text-1="Purchase" extra-1="$599" image-2="URL" header-2="TITLE" description-2="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amete" link-2="URL" link-text-2="Purchase" extra-2="$599" target="_blank"] |
Slider of call-to-action cards with an image, title, description, link, and more. You can add up to 10 slides. |
Slider images |
[slider-images images="URL,URL,URL"] |
Slider of images. |
Chips |
[chips options="A,B,C"] |
List of buttons. |
Buttons |
[buttons options="A,B,C"] |
List of buttons. |
Select |
[select options="A,B,C"] |
Dropdown list of options. |
Inputs |
[inputs values="A,B,C" button="Send now"] |
List of text inputs. |
Email |
[email name="true" last-name="true" phone="true" phone-required="false" placeholder=""] |
Form to collect the user’s email and phone number. All attributes are optional. Follow up settings used as default values. Add the attribute required-messaging-apps="true" to force users to provide their email and phone on messaging apps. |
Registration |
[registration] |
Registration form. |
Timetable |
[timetable] |
Timetable. |
Articles |
[articles link=""] |
Articles with search area. The link attribute is used as fallback message for Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram messages. |
Rating |
[rating label-positive="Helpful" label-negative="Not helpful" label="Rate and review" success-negative=""] |
Agent rating form. To make the rating shortcode work on WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram you need to use Dialogflow and the chatbot, create a new Intent with rating as input Context , nothing as output Context , a list of the user’s most common messages for a positive rating as Training phrases(e.g. good, positive) and { "rating": 1, "force-message": true } as Custom Payload response. For the negative rating create a new intent with same context but replace the training phrases and the custom payload to { "rating": -1, "force-message": true } . The shortcode must include also a title or message . |
List |
[list values="A,B,C"] |
Text list. |
List double |
[list values="A:X,B:Y,C:Z"] |
Text list with titles. |
List image |
[list-image values="URL:A,URL:B,URL:C"] |
Text list with titles and images. |
Table |
[table header="A,B,C" values="A:B:C,A:B:C,A:B:C"] |
Table. |
Button |
[button link="" name="Click here" target="_blank" style="link"] |
Display a link or open an article. The attribute target="_blank" is optional and open the link in a new window. The attribute style="link" is optional and change the button design. To open an article on click the link value must be #article-ID , replace ID with the article ID. |
Video |
Display a YouTube or Vimeo video. The value of the attribute type can be youtube or vimeo . The attribute id is the ID of the video, get it from the URL . The attribute height is optional and sets the video height in px. |
Image |
[image url=""] |
Image. |
Share |
[share fb="" tw="" li="" pi="" wa=""] |
Social share buttons. |